Bed Bug Exterminator Birmingham
Bed bug infestations have been a growing problem in the country for years. Although a bed bug won’t kill you, you are still at risk for developing an infection from scratching a bite. Below is all the information you need to deal with the creatures that are invading your home.
What are bed bugs?
These little critters live off human blood. This may sound disgusting but that is what they are. Although everyone has encountered or at least heard of these insects, only a few people can actually say that they have experienced them. This is because bed bugs have been non-existent in the country for so long. DDT and other chemicals have thrown them off but they are making a comeback which means it is imperative that homeowners seek the help of a competent bed bug exterminator from Father & Son Pest Control.
How will I know if I have a bed bug infestation in my home?
It can be extremely difficult to catch these little monsters in the act. However, you can definitely feel the presence of bed bugs. If you have been bitten by one, you will see red, itchy spots anywhere in your body. They also form a straight or diagonal line and the spots look like mosquito bites. Bed bugs shed their skin, lay eggs, and die at some point so you may have some proof on your mattress or in between your sheets. If you think you have a problem with these creatures or you are in doubt, hire a bed bug exterminator from Father & Son Pest Control for a bed bug inspection service. If the specialist confirms the presence of bed bugs in your home, you must immediately take action by allowing the expert to perform bed bug removal methods.
Where did these creatures come from?
There can be a lot of ways for bed bugs to invade your home. One of the most common is when you stayed in a hotel that has been infested by bed bugs. The insects might have entered your luggage late at night without you knowing. Once you get back home, it will only take a few of these pesky pests to lay eggs. Your entire residence will soon become infested in just a matter of days.
You can also get them when you buy used clothing. Contrary to what most people think, these insects can hatch in myriads of places. Furthermore, you will also be left susceptible to acquiring them when you visit another home that has been infested. The best thing you can do is to hire one of Father & Son Pest Control’s specialist for a bed bug inspection for your home and a bed bug removal service.
Seeking the Help of a Professional
Having bed bugs in your home can be extremely stressful and it can even traumatize your entire family. Fortunately, all it takes is one call to Father & Son Pest Control’s experienced and competent bed bug exterminators. They can eliminate your bug problems in the best, fastest, and most effective manner. If you want more information, call their service hotline today.