Providing Pest Control Services to
Birmingham & Neighboring Cities

Fumigation Birmingham

Out of the many different kinds of pests that invade homes, termites are regarded to as the most dangerous. Termites can ruin the foundation of your home if an infestation is not treated after a few years. What’s even worse is that they can go unnoticed in your home until the infestation has already become out of control. These pests can come into your property unannounced and without a single warning. As soon as you discover their existence, your house is already suffering from their incessant chewing and feeding on wood.

Homeowners regard their homes as precious and there is no way that they will ignore the damage that these pests have caused. If you are unsure if there is actually a termite infestation in your home, call a professional for a termite inspection. If the specialist finds traces of an infestation in your home, they will recommend termite fumigation to stop the development of the problem.

Signs to Look Out For

You need to have a general idea on how to spot termite infestations to protect your home. You also have to be proactive in taking necessary measures to ensure that the issue does not worsen. Below are the signs that confirm the presence of termites in your property.

Wood Damage

Check any areas in your home that are made of wood including your furniture. Wood damage usually happens below and behind surfaces including your walls, ceiling, and floors. If you have wooden floors, it is imperative that you call Father & Son Pest Control immediately to talk to one of their experts. Their professionals will visit your home at least once a week, if you allow them to. They will check all wooden structures in your home to make sure that no infestation develops within the property. If there is, fumigation will completely stop its tracks.


Termites have wings and they are usually discarded near access points such as doors and windows. As soon as a termite finds the best place to eat on wood, it will twist its wings because it knows that the wings will no longer be necessary.

The wings of a termite usually come in a uniform size. Check every corner, nook, and cranny of your house and if you discover wings, call Father & Son Pest Control immediately for a fumigation procedure.

Fumigation is the best way to treat termite infestations that are difficult to locate, severe, and widespread.


The Leading Fumigation Company in the Country

Father & Son Pest Control has evolved throughout the years into a pest control company and multifaceted fumigation service provider. They are dedicated in providing homeowners with reliable, quality services that are excellent in reflecting their responsible stewardship to our environment. Father & Son Pest Control offers homeowners all over the country a chance to choose an Eco-friendly way to eradicate the termites that are destroying the structural foundations of their homes.

Fumigation can help protect your home and family from termite infestations. Call Father & Son Pest Control’s service hotline or fill up the contact form to schedule a meeting with one of the best specialists in the country.

TAP TO CALL NOW 205-670-2233